Heather Haywood – The Whitney Houston ‘I’m Every Woman Tribute Show’. Heather Haywood unlike many other singers grew up with the voice of Whitney Houston. Heather worked alongside Whitney Houston on stage in Germany back in the 80s. Heather knows the real Whitney Houston. Not only does she sing the iconic songs that were major hits for Whitney, but she vocalises them in the manner of The Legend Whitney Houston herself. The ‘I’m every woman Tribute show’ starts with songs from Whitney’s first album and goes into her last album made before she left us wanting more. Heather Haywood IS that more. Listening to Heather Haywood Whitney Houston tribute is like listening to the great Woman herself. Once you see this show you will understand the magic of Whitney Houston. Songs such as.” I will always love you” “I have nothing”. “I wanna dance with somebody” Million Dollar Bill”. All songs that will make you sing and dance.